Zoning Map 2024 Update (11-15-24)
2025 ZONING FEES (2.13.25)
The purpose of the Zoning Department is to
- Protect health, safety and welfare of the public
- Ensure the orderly, manageable, and predictable growth of the Village
- Assist with the implementation of community planning goals
- Regulate land uses for maximum public benefits
Office Hours
Monday & Wednesday, 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday & Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Friday, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
General Zoning Information
Planning and Zoning Code
Zoning Map (March 2020 update)
Zoning Permit Application
Permit Process for Small Residential Projects (Decks, pools, fences, patios, etc.)
Codified Ordinances of Middlefield, Ohio
Right of Way Permitting
Right of Way Regulations
New Commercial/Industrial and Residential Requirements
Site Plan and Construction Approval Process
- Application for Commercial/Industrial/Residential Zoning Permit within the Village of Middlefield
- Application for Occupancy Permit with the Village of Middlefield
- Municipal Standards for Plan Content
- Village of Middlefield Sediment Control and Water Quality Regulations
- Village of Middlefield Storm Water Management Regulations
Geauga County Building Department
Permits for your project may be required by the Geauga County Building Department. Always verify with the building Department if your project should need a permit.
Geauga County Building Dept.
12611 Ravenwood Dr. Ste #360
Chardon, Ohio 44024
We are closed from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. for lunch.
Website: https://bocc.geauga.oh.gov/departments/building-department/#group=documentlist&doc-category=&docspagination=0-15
The Geauga County Building Department issues building permits and inspects new structures to ensure governmental standards and regulations.
Vacant Property Registration – Residential
Neat Streets Rebate Program
Neat Streets Rebate Program and Application This program is designed to assist residential homeowners with repairs to the exterior of their homes.
Short Term Rentals
Short Term Rental Application and Ordinance
No person, including, but not limited to, an owner, operator, manager, or employee shall engage in, conduct, or carry on, or permit
to be engaged in, conducted or carried on, in or upon any premises in the Village of Middlefield, the operation of a short-term rental in a
calendar year, without obtaining a permit in accordance with Chapter 737. It shall be prima facie evidence of a short-term rental operation
if a short-term rental guest is found to be occupying or using a short-term rental or if a residence has been placed on any hosting platform
for short-term purposes.
Short Term Rentals are only permitted in R-3 Zoning District
No more than 3 permits are issued at one time.
Renewal of Yearly Permit deadline is November 1st of the expiring year.
Short Term Rental Permits expire every December 31st.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Meets on the Tuesday prior to the Council Meeting each month at 6:00 pm at the Municipal Center 14860 North State Avenue to discuss development plans submitted for approvals, such as, housing development projects and commercial and industrial projects. In addition the commission reviews the zoning districts, uses and regulations. The commission reviews the village comprehensive plan every two years. The commission is comprised of the Mayor, Council member and three residents of the village. The Members are Mayor Garlich, Scott Klein, Jim Linberg, Dave Dietrich, and Carissa Shaffer. Click here to view the minutes.
Zoning Permits & Questions
If you are considering any type of addition, deck, pool or shed, please contact the Municipal Center at 440-632-5248. Please remember to obtain a zoning permit BEFORE you install a deck, fence, shed, etc. The zoning ordinances provides for common sense restrictions that are in place to insure that the construction does not infringe on neighboring property. Also an occupancy permit is required prior to occupancy of any new residence or existing commercial or industrial building. This includes the change of use or change of tenants for commercial and industrial buildings. This will save you time, along with possible aggravation should it be determined that you must remove your addition.
Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD)
(Water Management and Sediment Control Plan Review, Filing and Inspection)
The Geauga SWCD will review construction plans on all building sites within Middlefield Village where earth disturbing activities are proposed on land disturbing one (1) acre or more, or where earth disturbing activities of any amount are proposed on sublots within platted subdivisions for erosion and sediment control, storm water management and resource conservation pursuant to the most recent version of the Geauga County Water Management and Sediment Control Regulations as adopted by the Geauga County Commissioners. Geauga SWCD will conduct regular inspections of these sites during site construction activities to monitor compliance with the regulations and approved plans and relay its findings to the Village of Middlefield, owner(s) or owner’s representative.
Geauga SWCD Application for Review and Approval of Water Management and Sediment Control
Geauga SWCD Application for Review and Approval of Water Management and Sediment Control – Residential
Geauga County Water Management & Sediment Control Regulations
Fee Schedule – Water Management & Sediment Control
For more information please visit the Geauga SWCD Website www.geaugaswcd.com
Report a Property Maintenance Code Violation
The Housing Officer is appointed by the Village of Middlefield Council and is responsible for administering and enforcing the Exterior Maintenance Code for the Village.
Exterior Property Maintenance Code
The purpose of the Exterior Property Maintenance Code is to protect the public health, safety, morals and general welfare as it pertains to premises and buildings used for residential, commercial and industrial purposes. This protection is hereinafter provided by:
(a) Establishing minimum standards for maintaining residential, commercial and industrial environmental quality to preserve and achieve the presentable appearance of existing structures and premises; avoiding blighting effects of the substandard maintenance of structures and premises and its negative impact on the value of surrounding properties; and eliminating hazardous conditions;
(b) Fixing the responsibilities of owners, operators and occupants of structures and their premises; and
(c) Providing for administration, enforcement and penalties.
If you have a complaint concerning a property in the Village, please include your name and phone number where you can be reached if the Housing Officer has any questions. Complaints can be submitted to the Municipal Center-440-632-5248 or email lgambosi@middlefieldohio.com . To mail in a complaint , Village of Middlefield 14860 North State Avenue, Middlefield, Ohio 44062 or drop off during the Municipal Center’s regular hours, Monday through Friday 8:00a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
To view the code, click on the following link: Exterior Maintenance Code