Parent Guidelines
Way to go! Signing up your kid for sports is the first step toward a season full of fun for the whole family! What a wonderful opportunity you have created for your child. One where he/she can learn new skills, get some exercise, meet new friends, be a part of a team, and have the attention and support of his/her biggest fan…YOU! Just remember-put the FUN FIRST and you will make this sport experience that much more enjoyable for everyone. Few youth programs are successful without the support of parents. Below are a few guidelines for concerned parents as they strive to support their young athletes:
- Supportive parents focus on mastering sport skills and strategies rather than on competitive ranking.
- Supportive parents decrease the pressure to win.
- Supportive parents believe that the sport’s primary value is the opportunity for self-development.
- Supportive parents understand the risks that competition places on a child.
- Supportive parents communicate their true concerns directly with the coach.
- Supportive parents understand and respect the differences between parental roles and coaching roles.
- Supportive parents control negative emotions and think positively.
- Supportive parents avoid the use of fear and punishment to get kids to perform better.
- Supportive parents avoid criticizing children, coaches, and officials.
- Supportive parents recognize and understand expressions of insecurity and provide support when necessary.
- Supportive parents avoid the use of guilt to manipulate children to perform the way they want them to.
- Supportive parents show empathy for the young athlete.
Youth Volleyball: Grades 3rd-6th
Middlefield-Cardinal youth volleyball is for boys and girls grades 3rd-6th. The program is meant to introduce the game of volleyball and to teach basic skill development and proper technique. Have fun while learning the rules of the game, developing new skills and learning to play as a team. The program’s focus will be on overall player development. Participants progress from learning the rules to developing skills in the areas of underhand and overhand serving, setting, hitting, and digging.
Fall Flag Football is played through the Middlefield-Cardinal Youth Sports Program. Age groups are divided up in the following way: Ages 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9-10 all ages are as of August 1st. Rookie Tackle Program is for those in 5th and 6th grade.
Spring Flag Football is played through the NFL Flag Geauga Program.
Middlefield-Cardinal Youth Sports Program offers Spring & Fall Soccer leagues. The Soccer Registration Age Chart can assist with registering your child on the correct team. Age groups are U6, U8, U10, U12.
Please register your child for their birth year team. We will try to accommodate special requests written in the notes at registration. Please remember they are requests and not guarantees.
Spring Soccer Information
Register by 3/7 (rosters are due to league by 3/9 there will be NO LATE REGISTRATIONS accepted)
Games begin April 14th and end May 30th
NEW JERSEYS THIS SEASON– New Jerseys will be purchased. Cost included with registration.
The Middlefield-Cardinal Youth Sports program offers T-ball (PreK-K) and Baseball for any child interested in playing. Teams are
Coach Pitch/PeeWee
The Middlefield-Cardinal Youth Sports program offers Softball for any child interested in playing. The Youth Softball Age Matrix can assist in registering your child for the correct team.
Teams are:
8U (Coach Pitch)
The Middlefield-Cardinal Youth Sports program offers basketball for any child interested in playing grades K-6th Grade.
The Middlefield-Cardinal Youth Sports program offers cheerleading for any child interested grades PreK-6th Grade.
The Cheer program is held once a year during the Fall football season.
Cheer teams will be split between grades K-3rd and 4th-6th
Requests to cheer for a sibling will tried to be honored, please put what team the sibling is on in the registration notes.
The Middlefield-Cardinal Youth Sports program offers wrestling for any child interested in playing grades K-6th Grade.