Message from Mayor Garlich
Hello Residents,
As I was turning my clocks up an hour, I was watching the snow come down, knowing I would rather be planning to mow my lawn than remove snow from my drive the next morning. Not the weather I was hoping for as we go to daylight savings time. I would be planning to mow lawn, not remove snow. This winter has taken a toll on us as well as our personal property. I see many parking lots in need of repair, some of our streets have also been affected by the freezing and thawing. The service team has done a great job this year keeping roads clear and patching the worst of holes that developed over the winter. We look forward to spring and state routes, East and West High being repaved as well as our streets Button and Pierce. We are also planning on paving the parking areas on the east side of the splash park, the parking area north of the basketball courts and the expanded parking on the south side of Almeda Drive.
This summer we will see projects completed. The new ODOT garage on Tare Creek as well as the new metal factory on East High. Two projects that were scheduled but delayed are now going to proceed. The new carwash on South Springdale as well as the demolition of the old McDonalds and construction of the new McDonalds. Dirt has already started moving on the car wash facility and in April we should see progress on the McDonalds facility.
Thanks to all our well managed businesses, our quality residents, responsible management by Village administration and dedicated employees, the Village is financially very solid. Due to this success our Economic Development committee will be focused on how to assist our businesses and residents to improve our quality of life. Ideas to include partnering to improve facilities as well as assisting residents in defraying the devastating impact of our out-of-control inflation. These ideas are still in the planning stages, but we will keep you updated as they develop.
I always include in my tag line “exercise your right to vote” I urge all of you to not be apathetic, expend the energy to learn about every candidate on the ballot and make sure your voice is heard by casting your vote. I love and take pride in this country; I was fortunate enough to be born in the best country in the world and I resent those who try to disparage or dismantle its greatness. Please pray for our country and our world.
Be informed, be involved, exercise your right to vote, shop Middlefield.
Ben Garlich
Village of Middlefield