Mayor’s Christmas Message, December 2024

December 13, 2024

Hello Residents,

This is not the way I wish to open a holiday message, but I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge, with a heavy heart, the passing of Helen Harrington. This summer, we renamed South Springdale “Harrington Way,” honoring the significant investment and vision the Harrington family brought to our Village. I’ve known and appreciated Helen my entire adult life and have always valued the wisdom and stability she provided. She was loved by all, always supportive of our Village, and will be greatly missed by me and many others.

I hope you all had an enjoyable and relaxing Thanksgiving and wish you the same for the upcoming Christmas season. I trust the holiday lighting and Christmas music in the town center are adding to your enjoyment of this festive time of year.

The Village Police sponsor several annual events, with the most recent being the “Fill a Cruiser” for Thanksgiving. This event has become a cherished tradition, and I’ve had the privilege of participating in the collection for the past few years. It always amazes me how generous our community is. The amount of food and money donated to help those in need is heartwarming. The Police will also be conducting another collection for the Christmas holiday, and I have no doubt our community will once again respond generously. I’d like to thank the police, along with Councilman Hornung, for making these initiatives both possible and successful. Additionally, the police department sponsors a “Shop with a Cop” event each December, where children from families in need are given money to purchase gifts, helping them enjoy a more special Christmas.

I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas.

As is tradition, we are wrapping up a busy year and have just had our final committee and council meetings for 2024. Reflecting on the year, we’ve seen many major public projects either completed or nearing completion. Our multi-year well expansion project is almost finished, marking the completion of phase one, which ensures we can continue to provide essential services and accommodate future growth. We’ve also completed several road resurfacing projects and are preparing bid specifications for next year’s work.

As you drive through our Village, you may notice three major private projects underway. To the west, the new Hartville Hardware is progressing nicely and is shaping up to be an impressive facility. We’re excited about the value it will bring to both our residents and the surrounding area. To the north, the Ohman family is developing 24 new senior living units. As I grow older, I’ve come to truly appreciate the convenience and logistical efficiency our Village offers. This new development will provide residents with a location that is well-suited to their needs. To the east, HC Companies is constructing a large warehouse to meet their business needs. We’re grateful for their investment in our community, which will bring additional quality employment opportunities.

While it’s nice to reflect on our progress, we also look ahead to a busy 2025. We have a lot planned, both publicly and privately, and I’m looking forward to another great year of continuing to add value to our Village. I appreciate the support and cooperation of those who invest in our community, as well as the elected officials, residents who volunteer on committees, and our Village employees who work tirelessly every day to make Middlefield a better place.

God bless you all, and again, Merry Christmas.

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