The Village Administrator is an appointed position who serves at the pleasure of the Mayor and Village Council. The Village Administrator is responsible for the efficient Village operations, other than safety services, as well as the supervision of all administrative staff. The Village Administrator provides residents, visitors and the business community with the highest-quality municipal services and reliable public service to the satisfaction of the community.
This individual supervises improvements to all village infrastructure and serves on multiple committees to ensure continuity between services.
Additional Information
The Economic Development Director, an appointed position, serves at the pleasure of the Mayor and Village Council. The Economic Development Director, an appointed position, serves at the pleasure of the Mayor and Village Council. The Economic Development Director is responsible to seek out opportunities for economic development investment in the community and to coordinate and initiate all aspects of negotiations that will promote economic growth within the community. Takes the lead role in applying for grants, loans and available funding options for projects that create employment opportunities. Works closely with the Economic Development Committee and other Public Officials in support of all economic development projects and assists prospects with the permitting process when and if necessary to move the project forward. The Economic Development Director also serves Housing Officer.
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Appointed by the Mayor and approved by Village Council, the Village of Middlefield Fiscal Officer serves as the Clerk of Council and is steward of all village records. The Fiscal Officer provides accurate accounting of village funds and assists with state audits. The Village Fiscal Officer also keeps records of Village meetings and pays vendors.
Financial Audits
Please visit the State Auditor’s website at the link below to look up all Village of Middlefield Audits.
State Auditor
The Village Tax Administrator is appointed by the Mayor and approved by Village Council. This individual is responsible for the collection of all village income tax.
The Village of Middlefield has a 1% income tax, established in 1978. Beginning 1/1/2019 the income tax rate will be 1.25%. Village taxes are due on April 15 of the following year.
The Village Tax Administrator was appointed to provide local collection. This has provided to be extremely efficient and offers more personal attention to taxpayers.
Additional Information
Village Income Tax Webpage:
Ohio House Bill 5
Contact Info:
John Boksansky
Zoning Inspector
Office: 440.632.3525
Office Hours:
Monday & Wednesday 12:00pm-4:00pm
Tuesday & Thursday 9:00am-12:00pm
Friday 1:00pm-4:00pm
General Zoning Information
Planning and Zoning Code
Zoning Map 2024 Update (11-15-24)
General Zoning Application
RESIDENTIAL SMALL PROJECT GUIDE – Permit Process (Decks, pools, fences, patios, etc.)
Codified Ordinances of Middlefield, Ohio
The purpose of the zoning department is to:
1) Protect health, safety and welfare of the public; 2) Ensure the orderly, manageable, and predictable growth of the Village; 3) Assist with the implementation of community planning goals; 4) Regulate land uses for maximum public benefits.
14860 North State Ave.
Middlefield, Ohio 44062
Recreation Website