LIFTED -Boil Alert Issued 11-16-22
The Boil Alert issued 11-16 has been lifted.
Boil Alert Issued 11-16-22
A Boil alert has been issued for customers along E. High St east of Lenny to SR528 and Cottonwood. This DOES NOT include Glen Valley.
A boil alert has been issued 11-16-22 for due to water line repair and will be in effect until lifted by the Village.
Once the water pressure returns to normal, it may initially appear cloudy and contain rust particles. Run the cold water until it becomes clear before general use.
A Boil Alert is issued when water service is interrupted for an extended amount of time. It is advised to boil the water before drinking or cooking. Unless notification is given to extend this action boiling should be done for the time frame listed above. Bring water to a rolling boil for 1 minute than cool before drinking or using.