The complete text of these Resolutions may be viewed or obtained at the office of the Fiscal Officer, 14860 N. State Ave., Middlefield, Ohio during regular business hours.
Resolution 25-02 A Resolution of the Village of Middlefield, Supporting the Ohio Commission for the United States’ Semiquincentennial (America250-OH), and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 24-24 A Resolution Authorizing the Village Engineer to Prepare Plans and Specifications for the Village’s Capital Improvement Plan for the 2025 Calendar Year, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 24-23 A Resolution Requesting the Geauga County Auditor to Provide Tax Advances for the 2025 Collection Periods, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 24-22 A Resolution Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 24-21 A Resolution Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 24-20 A Resolution Authorizing the Fiscal Officer to Make Final Transfers of Funds Necessary to Finalize and Balance the 2024 Budget on December 31, 2024, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 24-18 A Resolution Declaring the Intent of the Village to Dispose of Unneeded, Obsolete, or Unfit Municipally Owned Personal Property Via an Internet Auction in Calendar Years 2025 and 2026, and Authorized Such Disposition.
Resolution 24-17 A Resolution Authorizing Mayor to Prepare and Submit an Application to Participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement and/ or Local Transportation Improvement Program(s), to Execute Contracts as Required, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 24-16 A Resolution Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 24-15 A Resolution Authorizing Political Subdivision to Participate in the State of Ohio Cooperative Purchasing Program, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 24-14 A Resolution Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 24-12 A Resolution Supporting and Authorizing the Submission of an Application to the Ohio Department of Commerce, Division of Real Estate & Professional Licensing and Ohio Cemetery Dispute Resolution Commission for the 2025 Cemetery Grant Program and Authorizing the Village Administrator to Accept any Awarded Grant Funds and File all Documents and Execute all Agreements Necessary to Receive any Awarded Grant Funds, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 24-11 A Resolution Adopting a Tax Budget for the 2025 Fiscal Year and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 24-10 A Resolution Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 24-09 A Resolution Declaring the Necessity for the Renewal of a Police Services Tax Levy and Directing the Fiscal Officer to Take Steps to Place a Renewal of the Existing 2.0 Mill Levy for Police Services on the November 5, 2024 General Election Ballot, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 24-08 A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Specified Insurance from Love Insurance Agency, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 24-07 A Resolution Approving the County Wide 9-1-1 Plan Per ORC 128.08, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 24-06 A Resolution Approving a Moratorium on the Granting of any Permit that Would Allow an Adult Use Program Cultivator, Processor, or Retail Dispensary of Marijuana, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 24-05 A Resolution Approving a Loan To Amish Country Market LLC, in the Amount of $130,000.00, From the Village’s Local Revolving Loan Fund, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 24-04 A Resolution Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 24-03 A Resolution Requesting the Geauga County Auditor the Total Tax Valuation of the Village and the Dollar Amount of Revenue that Would be Generated by a Renewal of the Existing Tax Levy for Police Services, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 24-02 A Resolution Authorizing the Archivist to Act as the Designated Representative of the Members of the Village of Middlefield Council for Purpose of Required Public Records Training.
Resolution 24-01 A Resolution Requesting the Geauga County Auditor to Provide Tax Advances for the 2024 Collection Periods, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 23-19 A Resolution Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 23-18 A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Contract with Medical Mutual of Ohio for the Provision of Health Care Insurance for Village Employees at a Monthly Cost of $24,759.49 and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 23-17 A Resolution Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 23-16 A Resolution Authorizing the Fiscal Officer to make Final Transfers of Funds Necessary to Finalize and Balance the 2023 Budget on December 31, 2023, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 23-15 A Resolution Authorizing Mayor to Prepare and Submit an Application to Participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement and/or Local Transportation Improvement Program(s), to Execute Contracts as Required, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 23-14 A Resolution Declaring the Intent of the Village to Dispose of Unneeded, Obsolete or Unfit Municipally Owned Personal Property Via an Internet Auction in Calendar Year 2024, and Authorizing such Disposition.
Resolution 23-13 A Resolution Authorizing the Village Engineer to Prepare Plans and Specifications for the Village’s Capital Improvement Plan for the 2024 Calendar Year, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 23-12 A Resolution Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 23-11 A Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement for Services with the Geauga County County Board of Commissioners and the Geauga Department on Aging, for Use of the Middlefield Community Center.
Resolution 23-10 A Resolution Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 23-09 A Resolution Authorizing Participation in ODOT Cooperative Purchasing Program and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 23-08 A Resolution Supporting and Authorizing the Submission of an Application to the Ohio Department of Commerce, Division of Real Estate & Professional Licensing and Ohio Cemetery Dispute Resolution Commission for the 2024 Cemetery Grant Program and Authorizing the Village Administrator to Accept any Awarded Grant Funds and File all Documents and Execute All Agreements Necessary to Receive any Awarded Grant Funds and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 23-07 A Resolution Adopting a Tax Budget for the 2024 Fiscal Year and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 23-06 A Resolution Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 23-05 A Resolution Authorizing the Purchasing of Specified Insurance From Love Insurance Agency, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 23-04 A Resolution Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 23-03 A Resolution Terminating a Certain Pledge Agreement from Glen Valley Farms, LTD. And Instructing Lake National Bank to Release Funds in the Amount of $42,993.26 from the Pledge Account in the Name of Glen Valley Farms, LTD., and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 23-02 A Resolution Authorizing the Archivist to act as the Designated Representative of the Members of the Village of Middlefield Council for Purpose of Required Public Records Training.
Resolution 23-01 A Resolution Requesting the Geauga County Auditor to Provide Tax Advances for the 2023 Collection Periods, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 22-28: Approving a Loan to Flowers by Emily LLC, in the Amount of $38,120, From Village’s Revolving Loan Fund, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 22-27: Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 22-26: Authorizing the Fiscal Officer to Make Final Transfers of Funds Necessary to Finalize and Balance the 2021 Budget on December 31, 2022, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 22-25: Accepting the Amended Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 22-24: Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter Into a Contract with Medical Mutual of Ohio for the Provision of Health Care Insurance for Village Employees at a Monthly Cost of $21,061.52 and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 22-23: Adopting a Capital Improvement Plan for the Village, Which Plan Includes what was Previously Designated as the “Utility Capital Improvement Plan” as Adopted Pursuant to Chapter 913 of the Codified Ordinances, for the Five Calendar Years Commencing in 2024.
Resolution 22-22: Authorizing the Village Administrator to Apply for, Accept and Enter Into a Water Supply Revolving Loan Account (WSRLA) Agreement on Behalf of the Village of Middlefield for Planning, Design and Construction of Water Facilities, and Designating a Dedicated Repayment Source for the Loan, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 22-21: Authorizing the Village Engineer to Prepare Plans and Specifications for the Village’s Capital Improvement Plan for the 2023 Calendar Year, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 22-20: Resolution of Commitment for Certain Driveway Curb Cuts on Tare Creek Parkway, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 22-19: Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency
Resolution 22-18: Declaring the Intent of the Village to Dispose of Unneeded, Obsolete or Unfit Municipally Owned Personal Property Via an Internet Auction in Calendar Year 2023, and Authorizing Such Disposition.
Resolution 22-17: Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 22-16: Adopting a Tax Budget for the 2023 Fiscal Year and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 22-15: Authorizing and Directing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement for Services with the Geauga County Board of Commissioners and the Geauga Department on Aging, For Use of the Middlefield Community Center.
Resolution 22-14: Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 22-13: Authorizing Participation in ODOT Cooperative Purchasing Program and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 22-12: Resolution of Necessity, Declaring the Intent of the Village to Appropriate and Acquire an Easement Over a Portion of Real Property in Middlefield Township for the Purpose of Establishing and Maintaining an Isolation Radius Around Village Water Well No. 3, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 22-11: In Support of the Ohio Department of Development Brownfield Remediation Program Application for grant Funding Filed by Middlefield Industrial Complex, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 22-10: Authorizing the Purchase of Specified Insurance from Love Insurance Agency, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 22-09: Authorizing Increase in Micro- Purchase Threshold and Adopt Uniform Guidance Procurement Policy, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 22-07: Declaring it Necessary to Renew the Levy of a Tax in Excess of the Ten Mill Limitation for Ambulance Service, Emergency Medical Service or Both.
Resolution 22-06: Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 22-05: In Support of the Ohio Department of Development Brownfield Remediation Program Application for Grant Funding Filed by Middlefield Industrial Complex , and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 22-04: For a Certificate of Need, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 22-03: Authorizing the Village Administrator to Work Cooperatively with the Middlefield Township Trustees and to Prepare a Request for Proposal for Ambulance Services to the Village and Middlefield Township Jointly, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 22-02: Authorizing the Archivist to Act as the Designated Representative of the Members of the Village of Middlefield Council for Purpose of Required Public Records Training.
Resolution 22-01: Requesting the Geauga County Auditor to Provide Tax Advances for the 2022 Collection Periods, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 21-25: Authorizing the Fiscal Officer to make Final Transfers of Funds Necessary to Finalize and Balance the 2021 Budget on December 31, 2021, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 21-24: Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 21-23: Consenting to the Preventative Pavement Treatment by the Ohio Department of Transportation to Resurfacing of Kinsman Road (SR-87) from the Middlefield West Corporation Line to Hayes Road in the Village of Middlefield and Middlefield Township and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 21-22: Authorizing and Directing the Village Administrator to Prepare Bid Specifications and Submit for Public Bid an Exclusive Contract for Residential and Municipal Waste Hauling; Disposal and Recycling services, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 21-21: Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Contract with Medical Mutual of Ohio for the Provision of Health Care Insurance for Village Employees at a Monthly Rate of $16,523.78 and Declaring an Emergency
Resolution 21-20: Authorizing the Village Engineer to Prepare Plans and Specifications for the Village’s Capital Improvement Plan for the 2022 Calendar Year, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 21-19: Authorizing the Village Administrator to Submit Application to the North East Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency for Funding through the Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 21-18: Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency
Resolution 21-17: Authorizing Intent to Dispose of Unneeded, Obsolete or Unfit Municipal Owned Personal Property via Internet Auction in Calendar Year 2022.
Resolution 21-16: Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 21-15: To Accept the Material Terms of the One Ohio Subdivision Settlement Pursuant to the One Ohio Memorandum of Understanding and Consistent with the Terms of the July 21, 2021 National Opioid Settlement Agreement, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 21-14: Approving a Loan to My Vision Middlefield LLC, In the Amount of $116,800, from the Village’s Local Revolving Loan Fund, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 21-13: Authorizing the Village Engineer to Prepare Plans, Specifications, and Advertise for Bids for the Cedarwood Ct., Oakdale St., Maple Ave., and Elwood St. Resurfacing Project, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 21-12: Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 21-11: Adopting a Tax Budget for the 2022 Fiscal Year and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 21-10: Ratifying the Mayor’s Imposition of a Temporary Moratorium, Pursuant to Terms of Ordinance 20-113, on the Granting of any Occupancy Permit Authorizing a Community-Based Residential Social Service Facility in any Zoning District, Pending the enactment of Legislation Amending the Regulations Governing said Facilities, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 21-08: Expressing the Support of the Village Counsel for Proposed House Bill Bo. 62, Designating the State of Ohio as a “Second Amendment Sanctuary State”, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 21-07: Authorizing the purchase of Specified Insurance from Love Insurance Agency, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 21-06: Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 21-05: Opposing House Bill 157 and Companion Senate Bill 97 which Legislation seeks to Repeal Section 29 of House Bill 197, which Section Currently Instructs Municipalities to Continue to withhold Municipal Earned Income Tax for Employees Working Virtually and/or at Home in another Municipality, and Declaring an Emergency
Resolution 21-04: Declaring a Public Health Crisis for the Youth use of E-Cigarettes and Vaping Products, Declaring the Month of May Youth Tobacco Prevention Month and May 28 to be Declared Youth Tobacco Use Prevention Day, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 21-03: Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Water Well License Agreement with the City of Akron and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 21-02: Authorizing the Archivist to Act as the Designated Representative of the Members of the Village of Middlefield Council for Purpose of Required Public Records Training.
Resolution 21-01: Requesting the Geauga County Auditor to Provide Auditor to Provide Tax Advances for the 2021 Collection Period, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 20-32: Authorizing the Fiscal Officer to make Final Transfers of Funds Necessary to Finalize and Balance the 2020 Budget on December 31, 2020, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 20-30: To Urge Governor Dewine and the Ohio Legislative to Extend the Deadline for Operating Public Meetings Electronically.
Resolution 20-29: Authorizing and Directing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement for Services with the Geauga County Commissioners and the Geauga Department on Aging, for use of the Middlefield Community Center, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 20-28: Of Acceptance Approving Cares Act Expenditures, and Declaring and Emergency.
Resolution 20-27: Authorizing the Village Engineer to Prepare Plan and Specifications for the Village’s Capital Improvement Plan for the 2021 Calendar Year, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 20-26: Reclassifying Stephen Boxler to the Title of ” Detective”, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 20-25 Encumbering Funds Received through the Coronavirus Relief Fund to pay a Portion of the Salary Currently being Paid to a Village Employee Engaged in Work Sanitizing Public Park and Playground Equipment to Protect against the Spread of the Coronavirus, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 20-24 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Contract with Urban Growers Greenhouse LLC, for the Planting of Flower Beds and Hanging Flower Baskets for Calendar year 2021.
Resolution 20-23 Declaring the Official Intent and Reasonable Expectation of the Village of Middlefield on behalf of the State of Ohio (the borrower) to Reimburse its Income Tax Infrastructure Fund for the Water Well #4 Connection, CG58X with the Proceeds of Tax Exempt Debt of the State of Ohio, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 20-22 Authorizing Intent to Dispose of Unneeded, Obsolete or Unfit Municipal Owned Personal Property via Internet Auction in Calendar Year 2021.
Resolution 20-21 Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 20-20 Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 20-19 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with the Cardinal Local School District to Authorize the Village Recreation Department to Utilize School Facilities During the 2020-2021 School Year, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 20-18 Expressing Council’s Support of, and Appreciation for, the Middlefield Volunteer Fire Department, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 20-17 Approving Loans for the Small Business Grant Program, Totaling $10,000.00, from the Village’s Local Coronavirus Relief Fund, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 20-16 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Apply for, Accept, and Enter into a Water Supply Revolving Loan Account Agreement for the Design and Construction of a New Water Supply Well NO. 4; and Designating a Dedicated Repayment Source for the Loan, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 20-15 Designating Public Depositories for Certain Specified Village Accounts, for the Period August, 2020 through July, 2025, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 20-14 Requesting the Geauga County Budget Commission for a Certification of Revenue for Supplemental Appropriations for Expenses from March 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020 Eligible under HB-481, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 20-13 Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 20-12 Expressing Council’s Unanimous Support of, and Appreciation for, the Middlefield Village Police Department, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 20-11 Adopting a Tax Budget for the 2021 Fiscal Year and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 20-10 Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 20-09 Authorizing the Purchase of Specified Insurance from Love Insurance Agency, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 20-07 Authorizing and Directing the Mayor to Enter into the “One Ohio Memorandum of Understanding” with the State of Ohio Regarding the Pursuit and Use of Potential Opioid Litigation Settlement Funds, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 20-04 Authorizing the Village of Middlefield to Apply for, Accept, and Enter into a Water Supply Revolving Loan Account (WSRLA) Agreement on Behalf of the Village of Middlefield for Planning, Design and/or Construction of Water Facilities; and Designating a Dedicated Repayment Source for the Loan, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 20-03 Adopting the Geauga County Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan, as Updated FY2020, as the Official Natural Hazard Plan of the Village of Middlefield, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 20-02 Authorizing the Archivist to Act as the Designated Representative of the Members of the Village of Middlefield Council for purpose of Required Public Records Training.
Resolution 20-01 Requesting the Geauga County Auditor to Provide Tax Advances for the 2020 Collection Periods, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 19-01 Requesting the Geauga County Auditor to Provide Tax Advances for the 2019 Collection Periods, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 19-02 Consenting to the Preventative Pavement Treatment by the Ohio Department of Transportation of North of Georgia Road to just North of Button Avenue, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 19-03 Authorizing the Record Archivist to act as the Designated Representative of the Members of the Village of Middlefield Council for Purpose of Required Public Records Training.
Resolution 19-04 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Contract with Urban Growers Greenhouse LLC, for the Planting of Flower Beds and Hanging Flower Baskets for Calendar Year 2019 and 2020, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 19-05 Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 19-06 Requesting the Geauga County Auditor to Certify the Total Tax Valuation of the Village and the Dollar Amount of Revenue that would be Generated by a Renewal of the Existing Tax Levy for Police Services, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 19-07 Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 19-08 Of Middlefield Village Council Supporting Ohio House Bill 62 and the Proposed Increase in the Ohio Motor Fuel tax of $0.18 per Gallon. Middlefield Village Council Further Urges Senator Eklund and Representative Latourette to Support Ohio House Bill 62 and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 19-09 Renewing the Village’s Previous Request that the Geauga County Auditor Certify the Total Tax Valuation of the Village and the Dollar Amount of Revenue that would be Generated by a Renewal of the Existing Tax Levy for Police Services, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 19-10 Authorizing the Purchase of Specified Insurance from _____, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 19-11 Directing the Fiscal Officer to Take Steps to Place a Renewal of the Existing 2.0 Mill Levy for Police Services on the November, 2019 General Election Ballot.
Resolution 19-14 Adopting a Tax Budget for the 2020 Fiscal Year and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 19-15 To participate in the Geauga County Engineer Resource Rental Program.
Resolution 19-16 Authorizing the Village Administrator to enter into an Agreement with the Cardinal Local School District to Authorize the Village Recreation Department to Utilize School Facilities from September 2019 Through August 2020
Resolution 19-17 Authorizing the Transfer of Funds, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 19-18 Authorizing the Village Engineer to Prepare Plans and Specifications for the Village’s Capital Improvement Plan for the 2020 and 2021 Calendar Years, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 19-19 Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 19-20 Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 19-22 Designating September 2019 Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 19-23 Authorizing the Mayor to Prepare and Submit an Application to Participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement and/or Local Transportation Improvement Program(s), to Execute Contracts as Required, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-01 Approving the 2018 Traffic Sign Retro Reflectivity Maintenance Program for the Village of Middlefield, Ohio
Resolution 18-02 Requesting the Geauga County Auditor to Provide Tax Advances for the 2018 Collection Periods, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-03 Designating February 2018 Hearth Disease Awareness Month, and February 8, 2018 Middlefield Means Health Day, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-04 Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-05 Authorizing the Fiscal Officer to act as the Designated Representative of the Members of the Village of Middlefield Council for Purpose of Required Public Records Training.
Resolution 18-06 Requesting Loan Financing from the Ohio Water Development Authority for Costs Associated with the Tare Creek Water and Sewer Line Extension Project by the Village of Middlefield, Geauga County, Oh.
Resolution 18-11 Authorizing the Village Engineer to Prepare Plans, Specifications, and Advertise for Bid for the S. Springdale Avenue Road Project, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-12 Designating April 2018 Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month, and April 12, 2018 Middlefield Means Health Day, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-14 Declaring the Necessity for an Election on the Question of Approving an Ordinance Amending Section 182.012 of the Codified Ordinances to Provide a 1.25% Increase in the Current Levy on Income, to a Combined Rate of 1.25%, Beginning January 1, 2019, with the Revenue Derived from said Increase to be Allocated Solely to Infrastructure Repair Maintenance and Improvement Purposes.
Resolution 18-15 Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-16 Designating June 2018 Obesity Awareness Month, and June 14, 2018 Middlefield Means Health Day, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-17 Authorizing the Purchase of Specified Insurance from Love Insurance Agency, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-18 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with the Cardinal Local School District to Authorize the Village Recreation Department to Utilize School Facilities from September 2018 through August 2019.
Resolution 18-19 Designating July 2018 Skin Cancer Awareness, and July 12, 2018 Middlefield Means Health Day, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-20 Adopting a Tax Budget for the 2019 Fiscal Year and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-21 Designating August 2018 Family Health Awareness, and August 9, 2018 Middlefield Means Health Day, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-22 Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-23 Declaring that the intent of Council Regarding Resolution 18-15 and Ordinance 18-113 is to Certify to the Geauga County Board of Elections that the Tax Levy Issue Adopted in the Legislation is to be Placed on the November 6, 2018 Ballot, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-24 Approving a Loan to Anidraig Properties LLC, in the Amount of $33,201.38, from the Village’s Local Revolving Loan Fund, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-25 Designating September 2018 Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, and September 13, 2018 Middlefield Means Health Day, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-27 Designating October 2018 Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and October 11, 2018 Middlefield Means Health Day, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-28 Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor, and Declaring and Emergency.
Resolution 18-29 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Execute and File an Application with the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency to Apply for the “Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative” Program for Integrated Transportation and Land Use Planning and Projects that Strengthen Community Livability, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-31 Designating November 2018 Lung Cancer Awareness Month, and November 8, 2018 Middlefield Means Health Day, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-32 Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-33 Expressing the Opposition of the Middlefield Village Council to Proposed State Issue 1, Urging the Electorate to Vote “No” on Issue 1 on November 6, 2018, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-34 Designating December 2018 Financial and Stress Awareness Month, and December 13, 2018 Middlefield Means Health Day, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-35 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Contract with Medical Mutual for the Provision of Health Care Insurance for Village Employees at a Monthly Cost of $15,618.66 and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-37 Specifying the Services to be Provided to the Property Owned by First United Methodist Church of Middlefield Upon Annexation to the Village, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-38 Authorizing the Village Engineer to Prepare Plans, Specification and advertise for Bids for the Lake Streets Road Project, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-39 Authorizing the Village Engineer to Prepare Plans, Specifications and Advertise for Bids for the Edgewood Drive Road Project, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-40 Authorizing the Village Engineer to Prepare Plans, Specifications and advertise for Bids for the S. State Long Side Connector Project, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-41 authorizing the Village Engineer to Prepare Plans, Specifications and Advertise for Bids for the Grove Street Sidewalks Replacement Project, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-42 Authorizing the Village Engineer to Prepare Plans, Specifications and Advertise for Bids for the Catch Basin Replacement/Repair Project, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-43 Authorizing the Village Engineer to Prepare Plans and Specifications for the Well Improvement Project, to Consult with Appropriate Experts in Furtherance of that project, as needed, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 18-44 Authorizing and Directing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement for Services with the Geauga County Board of Commissioners and the Geauga Department on aging, for use of the Middlefield Community Center, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 17-01 Approving the 2017 Traffic Sign Retro Reflectivity Maintenance Program for the Village of Middlefield, Ohio
Resolution 17-03 A Resolution Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 17-04 Amending the Agreement with the Cardinal Local School District and Chem Tech Properties Ltd. To Provide for a Lump Sum Payment by Chem Tech to Cardinal in Lieu of the Partially-Abated Real Estate Taxes Pursuant to Resolution 12-24 and 14-21, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 17-05 Declaring it Necessary to Renew the Levy of a Tax in Excess of the 10 Mill Limitation for Ambulance Service, Emergency Medical Service or both.
Resolution 17-06 Approving a Loan to Anidraig Properties LLC, in the Amount of $78,000, from the Village’s Local Revolving Loan Fund, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 17-07 Opposing the State of Ohio seeking to take Control of Municipal Tax Collection, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 17-08 To participate in the Geauga County Engineer Resource Rental Program, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 17-09 Authorizing the Purchase of Specified Insurance from Love Insurance Agency, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 17-10 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Execute and File Application to the PetSafe Bark for Your Park Committee through Radio Systems Corporation to Apply for the 2017 Bark for your Park Grant, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 17-11 A Joint Resolution of Middlefield Village and Middlefield Township, Amending Village Resolution 94-06 and Township Resolution ______, to Modify the Composition of the East Geauga Joint Fire District.
Resolution 17-12 Approving a Loan to J.M. Bruening LLC, in the Amount of $122,000, from the Village’s Local Revolving Loan Fund, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 17-13 Adopting a Tax Budget for the 2018 Fiscal Year and Declaring an Emergency. (Public Hearing 7/13/2017)
Resolution 17-14 Requesting Loan Financing from the Ohio Water Development Authority for Costs Associated with the South Water Tower Improvements Project by the Village of Middlefield, Geauga County, OH and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 17-15 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with the Cardinal Local School District to Authorize the Village Recreation Department to Utilize the School Facilities from September 2017 through August 2018, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 17-16 Designating September 2017 as “Prostate Cancer Awareness Month”, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 17-17 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Execute and File an Application with the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency to Apply for the “Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative” Implementation Program for Reconstruction Along South Springdale from SR 87 to Lake Ave., and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 17-18 Authorizing the Village Engineer to Prepare Plans, Specifications, and Bids for the Tare Creek Utility Infrastructure Project, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 17-19 Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 17-20 Authoring the Intent to Dispose of Unneeded, Obsolete or Unfit Municipal Owned Personal Property via Internet Auction in Calendar Year 2018.
Resolution 17-21 Designating October 2017 as “Breast Cancer Awareness Month”, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 17-22 Approving a Moratorium on the Granting of any Permit that would Enable Retail Sale of Medical Marijuana, for a Period of Six Months from the Effective Date of this Resolution.
Resolution 17-23 Authorizing the Mayor to Prepare and Submit an Application to participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement and/or Local Transportation Improvement Program(s), to Execute Contracts as Required, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 17-24 Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 17-25 Designation the Second Thursday of each Month, Middlefield Mean Health Day, Creating a Corporate and Community Health Challenge, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 17-26 Designation January 2018 Health Awareness Month, and January 11, 2018 Middlefield Means Health Day, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 17-27 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Contract with Medical Mutual for the Provision of Health Care Insurance for Village employees at a Monthly Cost of $14,661.33, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 16-25 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency to Accept the Mosquito Control Grant of $27,900.00, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 16-24 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency to Accept the Mosquito Control Grant of $27,900.00, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 16-23 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Contract with Medical Mutual for the Provision of Health Care Insurance for the Village Employees at a Monthly Cost of $13,007.89, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 16-21 Amending the Use Agreement between Geauga Park District and the Village as Previously Approved by Resolution 16-18, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 16-20 Authorizing Intent the Dispose of Unneeded, Obsolete or Unfit Municipal Owned Personal Property Via Internet Auction in Calendar Year 2017.
Resolution 16-14 Approving a Moratorium on the Granting of any Permit that would enable Retail Sale of Medical Marijuana for a Period of Six Months from the Effective Date of this Resolution.
Resolution 16-13 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Work Cooperatively with the Middlefield Township Trustees and to Prepare a Request for Proposal for Ambulance Services to the Village and Middlefield Township Jointly.
Resolution 16-12 A Resolution Approving a Loan to Blaze Tishko, dba Vinny’s Pizza, in the amount of $38,000, from the Village’s Local Revolving Loan Fund, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 16-11 A Resolution Authorizing the village Administrator to Enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Geauga Park District, Authorizing Negotiations for Infrastructure Development of the Maple Highlands Trail (South), and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 16-10 Adopting a Tax Budget for the 2017 Fiscal Year and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 16-09 Authorizing the Purchase of Specified Insurance from Love Insurance Agency, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 16-08: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with the Cardinal Local School district to Authorize the Village Recreation Department to Utilize School Facilities from September, 2016 Through August, 2017, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed
Resolution 16-07: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Contract with Urban Growers Greenhouse LLC., for the Planting of Flower Beds and Hanging Baskets, in the Amount of $16,025.00 and Declaring an Emergency. Passed
Resolution 16-06: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Contract with SS Landscaping for the Seasonal Cleanup of Landscaped Areas, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed
Resolution 16-05: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a 2 year Contract with SS Landscaping for Landscape Services and Lawn Maintenance, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed
Resolution 16-04: A Resolution Requesting the Geauga County Auditor to Provide Tax Advances for the 2016 Collection Periods, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 02/11/2016
Resolution 16-03: A Resolution Modifying the Neat Streets Exterior Home Improvements Rebate Program. Passed 04/14/2016
Resolution 16-02: A Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Mayor to Enter into a Settlement Agreement with Brant A. and Yvette M. Zemelka, for the Payment by the Village of $4,00., in Full and Final Settlement of the Zemelka’s Claim against the Village, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed
Resolution 16-01: A Resolution Authorizing the Economic Development Director to Execute and File an Application with the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency to Apply for the “Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative” Program for an Amish Buggy Lane Feasibility Study, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed
Resolution 15-20: A Resolution Authorizing Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 12/31/2015
Resolution 15-19: A Resolution approving the Village’s Utility Capital Improvement Plan Pursuant to Chapter 913 of the Codified Ordinances for the 2016 and 2017 Calendar Year. Passed
Resolution 15-18: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Contract with Medical Mutual for the Provision of Health Care Insurance for Village Employees at a Monthly Cost of $12,068.08, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 11/05/2015
Resolution 15-17: A Resolution Giving Consent to the Ohio Director of Transportation to Complete a Resurfacing Project of Madison Road (SR-528) in the Village of Middlefield, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 11/05/2015
Resolution 15-16: A Resolution Proclaiming the Support of Village Council for the Cardinal Local Schools, Five Year, 2 Mill Permanent Improvement Levy, Known as Issue #25 on the November 3, 2015 Ballot. Passed 10/01/2015
Resolution 15-15: A Resolution Authorizing Intent to Dispose of Unneeded, Obsolete or Unfit Municipal Owned Personal Property via Internet Auction in Calendar Year 2016. Passed
Resolution 15-14: A Resolution Adopting the 2015 Geauga County Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan. Passed
Resolution 15-13: A Resolution Amending the Village’s Investment Policy to Include State Notes or Bonds Which do not Exceed 5 Years a Permissible Investment, Making Certain Technical Amendments, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 09/03/2015
Resolution 15-12: A Resolution Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 09/03/2015
Resolution 15-11: A resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with the Cardinal Local School District to Authorize the Village Recreation Department to Utilize the School Facilities from September, 2015 to August, 2016, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 09/03/2015
Resolution 15-10: A Resolution Adopting an Amended Tax Budget for 2016 Fiscal Year and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 08/17/2015
Resolution 15-09: A Resolution Amending Resolution 12-04, Section 2. Designating Certain Public Officials and/or Employees by the Mayor for a Middlefield Bank Credit Card, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 08/06/2015
Resolution 15-08: A Resolution Designating Public Depositories and Awarding Public Monies and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 08/06/2015
Resolution 15-07: A Resolution Decertifying the Grant Agreement with the Ohio Department of Transportation for the Construction of Roadway and Storm Drainage Improvements at the Bonner Farms Business Park and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 15-06: A Resolution Decertifying the Grant Agreement with the Ohio Development Services Agency for Infrastructure Improvements at the Bonner Farms Business Park and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 15–05: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Contract with Tri Mor Corporation in the Amount of $437,316.00, for the Final Phase of the Glen Valley Drive Re-Construction Project, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 06/04/2015
Resolution 15-04: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with Victoria Nagy & Associates L.P.A., to Provide Legal Services in Matters relating to the Collection of Municipal Income Taxes for the Village of Middlefield, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 15-03: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with Software Solutions, Inc. to Provide Software Upgrades to the Village Computer Accounting Programs. Passed 01/08/2015
Resolution 15-02: A Resolution Authorizing the Fiscal Officer to Act as the Designated Representative of the Members of the Village of Middlefield Council for Purpose of Required Public Records Training.
Resolution 15-01: A Resolution Requesting the Geauga county Auditor to Provide Tax Advances for the 2015 Collection Periods, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 01/08/2015
Resolution 14-28: A Resolution Authorizing Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 12/31/2014
Resolution 14-27: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with the Geauga County Board of Commissioners and the Geauga County Department on Aging, to Provide Certain Services for Senior Citizens in the Village, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 12/04/2014
Resolution 14-26: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Contract eith Medical Mutual for the Provision of Health Care Insurance for Village Employees at a Monthly Cost of $13,903.48, and Directing the Fiscal Officer to Contribute $500.00 to each Employee’s HSA Account, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 12/04/2014
Resolution 14-25: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with the United States Department of Agriculture to accept the Proposal RBEG Revolving Loan Fund Grant of $99,000, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 11/06/2014
Resolution 14-24: A Resolution Authorizing an Amendment to the Regulations Governing Economic Development Funds, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 11/06/2014
Resolution 14-23: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Contract with Pro-Tec Roofing, Inc. for Installation of a New Recovery Roof System for the Municipal Center, in the Total Amount of $48,200.00, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 10/2/2014
Resolution 14-22: A Resolution Authorizing Intent to Dispose of Unneeded, Obsolete or Unfit Municipal Owned Personal Property Via Internet Auction in Calendar Year 2015.
Resolution 14-21: Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Agreement with the Cardinal Local School District and Chem Tech Properties Limited to Provide for Payments by Chem Tech to the Cardinal Schools in Lieu of the Partially-Abated Real Estated Taxes required by the Annexation Agreement Entered into Pursuant to Resolution 12-24, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 14-20: Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with the Cardinal Achool District to Authorize the Village Recreation Department to Utilize School Facilities from Septermber, 2014 through August, 2015, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 10/2/2014
Resolution 14-19: Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enterinto an Agreement with Richard A. Bonner for Bonner to Fund the Installation of the Infrastructure Improvements to Facilitate the Development of the Bonner Farms Industrial Park and to make use of Grants to the Village from the Ohio Development Services Agency and the Ohio Department of Transporation for the Construction of Public Roadway, Storm Drainage and Sanitary Sewer Improvements for that Industrial Park, and Declaring an Emergency.
Resolution 14-18: Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with the Ohio Department of Transportation to Provide Partial Funding for Construction of Roadway and Storm Drainage Improvements to Facilitate the Development of the Bonner Farms Industrial Park, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 10/2/2014
Resolution 14-17: Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor.
Resolution 14-16: Authorizing the Economic Development Director to Execute and File an Application with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to Apply for a Natureswork Grant for Park Improvements. Passed 08/07/2014
Resolution 14-15: Amending Resolution 12-04, Section2, Designating Certain Public Officials and/or Employeess by the Mayor For a Middlefield Bank Credit Card, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 07/10/2014
Resolution 14–14: Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Two-Year Extension of the Existing Agreement with Geauga Local Access Cable Corporation for the Provisions of Local Access cable Programming.
Resolution 14-13: Authorizing teh Village Administrator to Enter into a Grant Agreement with the Ohio Development Services Agency to Provide Funding for Infrastructure Improvements at the Bonner Farms Business Park, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 06/05/2014
Resolution 14-12: Consenting to the ODOT Bridge Inspection Program Services, Authorizing Cooperation, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 05/01/2014
Resolution14–11: Directing the Fiscal Officer to take Steps to Place in the November, 2014 General Election Ballot a Replacement of the existing 2.0 Mill Levy for Police Services. Pending Passage
Resolution 14-10: Adopted Pursuant to Revosed Code Section 5521, Consenting to the Completion of the SR-608 Resurfacing Project, Agreeing to Cooperate with ODOT, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 05/01/2014
Resolution 14-09: A resolution Requesting the Geauga County Auditor to Certify the Total Tax Valuation of the Village and the Dollar Amount of Revenue that WOuld be Generated by a Replacement of the Existing Tax Levy for Police Services, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 04/03/22014Resolution 14-08: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Energy Management Agreement with ENeroc for Participarion in teh Emergency Load Response Program, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 04/03/2014
Resolution 14-07: A Resolution Amending Resolution 14-03 to Designate the Village Administrator to Act as the Designated Representative of the Members of the Village of Middlefield Council for Purpose of Required Public Records Training and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 04/03/2014
Resolution 14-06: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a 2 Year Contract with SS Landscaping for Landscaping Services and Lawn Maintenance, and Declaring and Emergency. Passed 04/03/2014
Resolution 14-05: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a 2 Year Contract with SS Landscaping for the Initial Seasonal Cleanup of Landscaped Area, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 04/03/2014
Resolution 14-04: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Easement Agreement with the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company in Order to Provide Electric Utility Service to Middlefield Cheese, Utilizing the Easement Area Previously Granted to Middlefield Cheese, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 01-09-14
Resolution 14-03: A Resolution Authorizing the Fiscal Officer to Act as the Designated Representative of the Members of the Village of Middlefield Council for Purpose of Required Public Records Training and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 01-09-14
Resolution 14-02: A Resolution Authorizing Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 01-09-14
Resolution 14-01: A Resolution Requesting the Geauga County Auditor to Provide Tax Advances for the 2014 Collection Periods, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 01-09-14
Resolution 13-22: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Contract with the Geauga-Trumbull Solid Waste Management Disctrict, for the Provision of Single Stream Recycling Drop-Off Services. Passed 02-06-14
Resolution 13-21: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Purchase Various Materials and Supplies from Certain Sellers During 2014, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 11-07-13
Resolution 13-20: A Resolution Authorizing Intent to Dispose of Unneeded, Obsolete or Unfit Municipal Owned Person Property via Internet Auction in Calendar Year 2014.
Resolution 13-19: A Resolution Acknowledging Receipt of Notice from the Geauga County Board of Commissioners Regarding a Petition for Annexation of 0.28 Acres of Property in Middlefield Township, Adopting a Statement Regarding Services that the Village will Provide to the Territory Upon Annexation, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 09-05-13
Resolution 13-18: A Resolution Concurring in Speed Limit Changes Proposed by the Ohio Department of Transportation for State Routes 87, 528, and 608, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 09-05-13
Resolution 13-17: A Resolution Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget COmmision and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 09-05-13
Resolution 13-16: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Easement Agreement with Middlefield Milk LLC, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 09-05-13
Resolution 13-15: A Resolution Authorizing the Fiscal Officer to Act as the Designated Representative of the Members of the Village of Middlefield Council for Purpose of Required Public Records Training and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 09-05-13
Resolution 13-14: A Resolution to Arlene Caslow Celebrating Her 100th Birthday. Passed 07-11-13
Resolution 13-13: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Agreement with Geauga County Department of Aging and the Geauga County Commissioners to Provide Certain Services for Senior Citizens in the Village of Middlefield. Passed 08-01-13
Resolution 13-12: Authorizing the Purchase of Specified Insurance from Love Insurance Agency, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 06-06-13
Resolution 13-11: Requesting the Geauga County Auditor to Provide Tax Advances for the 2013 Collection Periods, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 06-06-13
Resolution 13-10: Requesting the Geauga County Auditor to Provide Direct Deposit of Taxes and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 06-06-13
Resolution 13-09: A Resolution to Participate in the Geauga County Engineer Resource Rental Program, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 05-02-13
Resolution 13-08: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Contract with Medical Mutual for the Provision of Health Care Insuranve for Village Employees at a Montly Cost of $9,487.57, and Directing the Fiscal Officer to Contribute $1,000.00 to Each Employee’s HSA Account, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 04-04-13
Resolution 13-07: Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Two-Year Extension of the Existing Agreement with Geauga Local Access Cable Corporation for the Provisions of Local Access Cable Programming and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 06-06-13
Resolution 13-06: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Contract with Tri Mor Corporation in the Amount of $268,612.00 for Phase 1 of Glen Valley Drive Re-Construction Project and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 04-04-13
Resolution 13-05: Strongly Opposing the Passage of HB 5 by the Ohio General Assembly which Proposes Uniformity Measures for Municipal Income Tax in the Form of Unfunded Mandates and at Substantial Loss of Revenue, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 04-04-13
Resolution 13-04: A Resolution Appropriating Funds for the State Route 87 Resurfacing Project, Requesting the Director of Transportation to Proceed, and to Executive a Contract for Said Project, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 03-06-13
Resolution 13-03: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Contract with Fortuna Construction Company, Inc. in the Amount of $1,477,842.70, for the Sperry Lane Re-Construction Project, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 02-07-13
Resolution 13-02: A Resolution Requesting the Geauga County Auditor to Provide Tax Advances for the 2013 Collection Periods, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 02-07-13
Resolution 13-01: A Resolution Authorizing Community Care Ambulance Network to Participate in the Ohio Cooperative Purchasing Program. Passed 03-06-13
Resolution 12-27: Authoring Transfer of Funds and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 12-31-12
Resolution 12-25: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Fiscal Officer to Establish a Special Revenue Fund Entitled, “Sperry Lane Reconstruction-OPWC” as prescribed by ORC 5705.09(F), to Transfer Funds from the Income Tax Fund in the Amount of $345,000 and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 12-06-12
Resolution 12-24: Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Annexation Agreement by, between and amoung Middlefield Township, the Cardinal School District, Bonnor Farms WV LLC, and RJJ Properties LLC, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 12-06-12
Resolution 12-23: Strongly Opposing the Passage of HB601 by the Ohio General Assembly which Proposes Uniformity Measures for the Municipal Imcome Tax in the Form of Unfunded Mandates and at a Substantial Loss of Revenue, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 12-06-12
Resolution 12-22: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Contract with the Geauga-Trumbull Solid Waste Management District, for the Provision of Recycling Drop-Off Services. Passed 02-07-13
Resolution 12-21: Authorizing the Village Administrator to Purchase a 2013 Ford Sedan Police Interceptor with options, at a Net Cost of $23,963.00, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 12-06-12
Resolution 12-20:
Authorizing the Village Administrator to Purchase Various Materals and Supplies from Certain Sellers During 2013 and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 12-31-12
Resolution 12-19: Authorizing Intent to Dispose of Unneeded, Obsolete or Unfit Municipal Owned Person Property via Internet Auction in Calendar Year 2013. Passed 01-03-13
Resolution 12-18: A Resolution Expressing the Village’s Support for the Proposed 9.70 mill Renewal Levy proposed by the Cardinal Local School District, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 10/04/2012
Resolution 12-17: Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 09/06/2012.
Resolution 12-16: Resurface Kinsman Road (SR-87) from the West Corporation Line to the East Corporation Line a Distance of 1.93 miles more or less in the Village of Middlefield and Middlefield Township. Passed 10/04/2012
Resolution 12-15: A Resolution Supplementing Resolution 12-11, Reaffirming the Village’s Declaration that it is Necessary to Renew the Levy of a Tax in Excess of the Ten Mill Limitation for Ambulance Service, Emergency Medical Service or Both, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 07/05/2012
Resolution 12-14: Not Used.
Resolution 12-13: A Resolution Requesting the Geauga County Auditor to Provide Tax Advances for the 2012 Collection Periods, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 06/07/2012
Resolution 12-12: A Resolution Amending Resolution 12-04 to Include the Chief of Police, Arnold Stanko, as an Employee Designated by the Mayor for a Middlefield Bank Credit Card, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 06/07/2012
Resolution 12-11: A Resolution Declaring it Necessary to Renew the Levy of a Tax in Excess of the Ten Mill Limitation for Ambulance Service, Emergency Medical Service or Both, and Declaring an Emergency. Passed 06/07/2012
Resolution 12-10: A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to enter into a Contract with Stephen Hovancsek & Associates for Consulting Engineering Services for Improvements to Glen Valley Drive, at an Aggregate Cost Not to Exceed $69,740.00. Passed 08/02/2012
Resolution 12-09: A Resolution to Amelia “Emily” Bernice Serian Celebrating her 100th Birthday. Passed 06/07/2012
Resolution 12-08: A Resolution Honoring the Bicentennial of the City of Chardon. Passed 05/03/2012
Resolution 12-07: Expressing sympathy and condolences to the community of Chardon and to the families, friends and classmates of Demetrius Hewlin, Daniel Parmertor and Russell King, Jr. Passed 03/15/2012
Resolution 12-06: Authorizing the Village Administrator to enter into a contract with Medical Mutual Insurance Company for the provision of health care insurance for village employees at the monthly cost of $10,967.02 and declaring an emeregency. Passed 03/15/2012
Resolution 12-05: Authorizing the Fiscal Officer to act as the designated representative of the members of the Village of Middlefield Council for purpose of required public records training, and declaring an emergency. Passed 03/15/2012
Resolution 12-04: Authorizing an application for Village credit cards from Middlefield Bank for those officials and/or employees designated by the Mayor and declaring an emergency. Passed 02/2/2012
Resolution 12-03: Authorizing the Village Administrator to enter into an agreement with the Auditor ot the State of Ohio to provide professional services necessary to prepare a performance audit of the Village operations and declaring an emergency. Passed 03/15/2012
Resolution 12-02: Requesting the Geauga County Auditor to provide tax advances for the 2012 collection periods, and declaring an emergency. Passed 01/26/2012
Resolution 12-01: Authorizing the Village Administrator to work cooperatively with the Middlefield TownshipTrustees and to prepare a request for proposal for ambulance services to the Village and Middlefield Township jointly, and declaring an emergency. Passed 01/05/2012
Resolution 11-10: Authorizing Transfer of Funds and declaring an emergency. Passed 12/30/11
Resolution 11-09: Authorizing the Village Administrator to purchase various materials and supplies from certain sellers during 2012 and declaring an emergency. Passed 11/03/11
Resolution 11-08: Opposing state control of Municipal Income Tax Collection and declaring an emergency. Passed 11/03/11
Resolution 11-07: Authorizing the Fiscal Officer to act as the Designation Representative of the members of the Village of Middlefield Council for purposes of required public training, and declaring an emergency. Passed 11/03/11
Resolution 11-06: Authorizing intent to dispose of unneeded, obsolete or unfit Municipal Owned Personal Property via internet auction in calendar year 2012. Passed 12/01/11
Resolution 11-05: Authorizing the Village Administrator to prepare and submit an application to participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission (“OPWC”) State Capital Improvement and/or Local Transportation Improvement Program(s) and to execute contracts as required, and declaring an emergency. Passed 10/06/11
Resolution 11-04: Accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor and declaring an emergency. PASSED 09/01/11
Resolution 11-03: Requesting the Geauga County Auditor to provide Tax Advances for the 2011 collection periods, and declaring an emergency. Passed 06/02/11
Resolution 11-02: Authorizing the Village Administrator to enter into a contract with Victory Waterworks Supply, LLC for the purchase of Radio Read Water Meters, in the amount of $48,600.00. PENDING PASSAGE
Resolution 11-01: Requesting the Geauga County Auditor to provide Tax Advances for the 2011 collection periods, and declaring an emergency. Passed 01/20/11
Resolution 10-18: Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and declaring an emergency. Passed 12/20/2010
Resolution 10-17: Accepting the amounts and rates determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary Tax Levies and certifying them to the County Auditor. Passed 12/2/2010
Resolution 10-16: Indicating the services the Village of Middlefield will provide, and the approximate date by which it will provide them, to the territory proposed to be annexed to the Village by the Diocease of Cleveland, Bishop Richard G. Lennon at 16280 Kinsman Road.
Resolution 10-15: Authorizing the Village Administrator to purchase various materials and supplies from certain sellers during 2011 and declaring an emergency. Passed 12/2/2010
Resolution 10-14: Adopting a “Drinking Water Source Protection Plan” for the Village of Middlefield. Passed 12/2/2010
Resolution 10-13: Basketball Courts
Resolution 10-12: Authorizing intent to dispose of unneeded, obsolete or unfit municipal owned personal property via internet auction in calendar year 2010. Passed 09/02/2010
Resolution 10-11: Authorizing intent to dispose of unneeded, obsolete or unfit municipal owned personal property via internet auction in calendar year 2010. Passed 09/02/2010
Resolution 10-10: Authorizing the Mayor and Fiscal Officer to enter into an agreement with the Director of Transportation of the Ohio Department of Transportation for a project to repair the pavement on Kinsman Road (S.R. 87) from the Middlefield west corporation line to Crestwood Drive and declaring an emergency. Passed 09/02/2010
Resolution 10-09: Accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor. Passed 9/2/10
Resolution 10-08: Authorizing the Village Administrator to enter into a two-year extension of the existing agreement with Local Access Cable Programming and declaring an emergency. Passed 09/02/2010
Resolution 10-07: Designation public depositories and awarding public monies and declaring an emergency. Passed 07/01/2010
Resolution 10-06: Declaring it necessary to renew the levy of a tax in excess of the ten mill limitation, for current expenses, for five years and declaring an emergency. Passed 06/03/2010
Resolution 10-05: Declaring it necessary to renew the levy of a tax in excess of the ten mill limitation, for police services, for five years and declaring an emergency. Passes 06/03/2010
Resolution 10-04: Requesting the Geauga County Auditor to provide tax advances for the 2010 collection periods, and declaring an emergency. Passed 06/03/2010
Resolution 10-03: Of appreciation to Fiscal Officer Carol Osborne. Passed 4/15/2010
Resolution 10-02: Granting consent to the State of Ohio Director of Transportation to complete a surfacing project within the illage and to cooperate with the Director on such project and declaring an emergency. Passed 04/15/2010
Resolution 10-01: Requesting the Geauga County Auditor to provide tax advances for the 2010 collection periods, and declaring an emergency. Passed 01/21/10
Resolution 09-12: Authorizing the transfer of funds and declaring an emergency. Passed 12/31/09
Resolution 09-11: Instructing Lake National Bank to partially release funds in the amount of $19,853.74 from the pledge account in the name of Glen Valley Farms, LTD., an Ohio Limited Liability Company, and declaring an emergency. Passed 12/03/09
Resolution 09-10: Authorizing the Village Administrator to purchase various materials and supplies from certain sellers during 2010 and declaring an emergency. Passed 12/31/09
Resolution 09-09: Authorizing intent to dispose of unneeded, obsolete or unfit Municipal owned personal property via internet auction in calendar year 2009. Passed 09/03/09
Resolution 09-08: Accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor. Passed 09/03/09
Resolution 09-07: Authorizing the Village Administrator to enter into a contract with Specialized Construction, for the asphaltic resurfacing of Grove Street, Ridgewood Drive, Senior Center Parkign Lot, Kenwood Drive, Almeda Drive and Orchard Avenue, in the amount of $480,834.30, and declaring an emergency. Passed 8/25/09
Resolution 09-06: Declaring it necessary to replace the levy of a tax in excess of the tem mill limitation, for Current Expenses, and declaring and emergency. Passed 08/06/09
Resolution 09-05: Declaring it necessary to replace the levy of a tax in excess of the ten mill limitation, for Police Services, and declaring an emergency. Passed 08/06/09
Resolution 09-04: Authorizing the purchase of specified insurance from Love Insurance Agency, and declaring an emergency. Passed 06/04/09
Resolution 09-03: Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement between the State of Ohio, Department of Transportation and the Village of Middlefield establishing the Village’s commitment for the installation, maintenance, and repair of a sidewalk within the right-of-way of State Route 87 in the Village of Middlefield and Township of Middlefield, and declaring an emergency. Passed 04/16/09
Resolution 09-02: Adopting a Red Flag Policy and establishing an Identity Theft Prevention Program for the Village of Middlefield. Passed 04/16/09
Resolution 09-01: Requesting the Geauga County Auditor to provide Tax Advances for the 2009 collection period, and declaring an emergency. Passed 02/06/09
Resolution 08-19: Authorizing the transfer of funds and declaring an emergency. Passed 12/31/08
Resolution 08-18: Authorizing the Village Administrator to enter into a Contract with Foresight Engineering Group, Inc., for the provision of engineering and related services for the years 2009 and 2010. Passed 01/15/09
Resolution 08-17: A Resolution that the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (“PUCO”) prevent FirstEnergy from making excessive profits at the expense of hard-working Ohioans, and declaring an emergency. Passed 2/18/09
Resolution 08-16: Authorizing the Village Administrator to purchase gravel aggregate material from Arms Trucking Company. Passed 12/04/08
Resolution 08-15: Authorizing the Village Administrator to purchase 5 & 6 sack concrete from Horning Builders Supply-East. Passed 12/04/08
Resolution 08-14: Authorizing the Village Administrator to purchase 24″ smoothwall interior pipe from Carter Lumber. Passed 12/04/08
Resolution 08-13: Authorizing the Village Administrator to purchase hot mix asphalt from Kokosing Materials, Inc. Passed 12/04/08
Resolution 08-12: Authorizing the Village Administrator to purchase 6″, 8″, 12″, 15″, 18″, 30″ and 36″ smoothwall interior pipe from ADS Products. Passed 12/04/08
Resolution 08-11: Authorizing the Village Administrator to purchase regular unleaded gasoline and diesel fuel from Melzer’s Fuel Service. Passed 12/04/08
Resolution 08-10: Resolution of support for the Geauga County Health District Replacement Levy, and declaring an emergency. Passed 10/16/08
Resolution 08-09: Accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor, and declaring an emergency. Passed 9/18/08
Resolution 08-08: Authorizing the Village Administrator to enter into a pipeline agreement between the Village and Hans Rothenbuhler & Son, inc., to permit the installation of an underground pipeline for effluent discharge. Passed 9/04/08
Resolution 08-07: Expressing support for the grant request by the Police Department of the Village of Middlefield for funding for the Village’s D.A.R.E. Program, and declaring an emergency. Passed 08/07/08
Resolution 08-06: Authorizing the Village Administrator to enter into a two year extension of the existing agreement with Geauga Local Access Cable Corporation for the provisions of Local Access Cable Programming. Passed 09/18/08
Resolution 08-05: In support of the Stacy Powerline Project being constructed along the route most expedient to provide power improvements to the Village of Middlefield, and declaring an emergency. Passed 06/05/08
Resolution 08-04: Naming the Village’s Almeda Drive Park “The Yoder Brothers Joshua and Tyler Sports Complex”, and declaring an emergency. Passed 06/05/08
Resolution 08-03: Authorizing the Village Administrator to enter into a contract with Kaiser Permanente for the provisions of Health Care Insurance for Village Employees at a monthly cost of $10,693.52 and declaring an emergency. Passed 03/20/08
Resolution 08-02: Authorizing the Village Administrator to enter into an annexation agreement with Catholic Charities Housing Corporation and the Most Reverend Richard G. Lennon to allow for annexation of a 14.98 acre parcel of land currently located in Middlefield Township, and declaring an emergency. Passed 04/03/08
Resolution 08-01: Requesting the Geauga County Auditor to provide tax advances for the 2008 collection periods, and declaring an emergency. Passed 01/17/09